Thursday, October 18, 2007

The dangerous cult of perfectionism

Reading Hugh McKay's book, "Advance Australia...Where?" I came across these quotes: "From the perfect latte to the perfect storm, the idea has taken root in our culture that perfection could be within our grasp if only we had enough money, enough persistence, enough beauty, enough talent, enough charm, or enough luck." I suspect that what McKay refers to as the dangerous cult of perfectionism has the church within its grasp too. It makes me go back to Paul who said: "But this precious treasure - this light and power that now shine within us - is held in perishable containers, that is, in our weak bodies. so everyone can see that our glorious power is from God and is not our own.


Gavin Parsons said...

Any longer term pastor knows there is no such thing as the perfect church....warts keep things interesting Gavin

"Grendel" said...


Just found this blog via Hamo, Like the DDC link! Have we met at one of the DDC events ever perhaps? I work at DSC in state/commonwealth relations.

Arthur_Vandelay said...

Thanks for the link, Doug.